Start Prepping to Learn Over the Summer

Summer is a great time for students to learn through fun activities. Our children work hard during the school year and they learn a lot! With fun summer learning activities, we can help them remember everything they’ve learned and keep growing. This way they’ll be ready when school starts again.

At Ready for School, Ready for Life, we want to do our part so children maintain what they learned during the school year. This summer we’re supporting families by providing easy and fun tips and activities you can do with children throughout the summer. Did you know?

  • During the summer months, students’ academic progress usually slows down and they can forget some skills they learned at school.
  • Recent evaluations indicate that some students have fallen even further behind than expected, due to ongoing academic disruptions.
  • Elementary school students with high levels of attendance (at least five weeks) in summer learning programs can experience benefits in math and reading.
  • Children who read books over the summer and school breaks can maintain or improve their literacy skills.

Are you ready? In the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing easy and fun tips for summer learning. Check back on the Read. Bond. Grow. site and follow us via social media for ideas throughout the spring and summer. In the meantime, make a plan for how you can integrate summer enrichment at home while kids are out of school. Here are a few ideas to get started:

  • Gather art supplies such as scissors, crayons, and paper and schedule time to get creative everyday. Give your child ideas of summer-themed objects they can draw. Here is an article about creating space at home to learn.
  • Inspire your child to love books by helping them to create their own. Talk with your child about a story they want to tell then fold a stack of papers in half to create a book.
  • Plan to set aside time to read a favorite story together and help your child to find items around the house to act it out (accessories and clothes). You can turn everyday household items, like cardboard tubes and old socks into hand puppets, to help your child put on a show.
  • Also plan to set aside time to focus on math over the summer. Here is a great article with ideas for how to do more math at home.

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